Learn how Nerida got her sexy back after five kids
In Her Own words:
I have been seeing Ghada for 4 months, in that short time my life has been forever transformed.
I have gone from feeling sad and lifeless to feeling fully amazing and so happy.
I have made some significant changes as far as what I allow myself to eat and am shocked at what a difference it makes when you put good things into your body.
The major change for me has been removing dairy from my diet, I no longer snore, I can breathe well at night without the help of 3 pillows! I no longer have bloating and a continual unsettled stomach, I am a singer and the tone of my voice has improved, I never realised how much I was not designed for dairy until now.
I used to have regular numbness in my limbs but Ghada has given me herbs to increase circulation in my body.
It was difficult at first to experience restrictions in my diet but have realised the freedom this has brought me and is so worth the journey through to the other side.
I have never felt hungry or deprived with my new food choices, the possibilities are endless with good food.
I went to see Ghada because her daughter is the happiest, healthiest teenager I have ever seen and I thought she must be doing something right. I wanted to feel good too!
Weight loss was not my main reason for going to Ghada but as it so happens, I have lost over 20kgs and have been enjoying the added bonus of having to buy new, beautiful clothes! People comment on a daily basis on my hair and skin and general shine and well being.
I recommend this course of action for everyone, my mum and daughters are seeing Ghada now also and enjoying the benefits that I have been able to experience in my life.
Ghada’s attention to detail and individualised care is second to none and I thank her so much for her guidance and help in the area of my health and well being.