Learn how to beat diabetes , blood pressure and high cholesterol levels!

Janice Day one

 Janice BeforeJanice BeforeJanice Before

Janice now


Janice AfterJanice After

In her own words

I met Ghada by chance and since then she has changed my life is a very positive way.

When we met I weighed 100kg and had all the ailments that accompany leading an obese and sedentary lifestyle:

I had high blood pressure, diabetes type 2, fatty liver and kidneys about which the doctor was becoming concerned. I was tired and emotionally drained. I used to eat whatever was handy, binging by the end of the day because I had skipped breakfast and, if I had lunch it was always on the run. I drank very little water. I did not get much movement in my day at all.

I approached my first consultation with some trepidation, anticipating a judgemental and reprimanding attitude. However, the reality was far from this. Ghada was kind and persuasive. She saw our time as establishing a partnership to bring me to a healthy way of life.

From the outset I have found her encouragement, guidance and teaching to be exactly what has been needed.

I now weigh 75kg (still some more to go) and feel better than I ever have before. The doctor is amazed that all the blood tests show that I have nothing to worry about now – its has been many, many years since I have had such a positive result after blood tests!

Ghada has guided me to a healthy eating plan, has me drinking heaps of water and even has me going to the gym – to the amazement of family and friends!

She is easy to talk to, careful and clear with her explanations and enjoyable to visit. I can recommend her highly to anyone who can see that they need help to achieve a healthy and happy life.

Janice Derley Picnic Point NSW